Notable Concepts, Ideas, Techniques, and Thoughts:
- I understand the cast modifier better now. Setting the origin of an object is crucial to determining the outcome!
- Did some more lattice work and smoothed out Mio's shape by creating a large lattice composed of multiple sections and deforming her further.
- I can do disk flattenings that only comprise of the face and hair now.
- Had some more practice making my own shape keys and gave Mio the small detail of her wincing slightly as the rolling pin stretches her out.
- Went ahead and tried out bump maps some more, adding more detail to the textures.
- I can now make characters hold objects by making them the children of a bone from the hand of a character's armature. In simpler terms, I can now make objects follow the motion of a hand fluidly. Even then, getting the rolling pin to actually roll over Mio was something of a challenge.
- I found out that I can actually limit the rotation of an object with an object constraint so that I can keep it straight. It really helped me with the rolling pin, since trying to rotate a cylinder that is off center makes it unsteady and it barrels all over...
References, Fun Facts, and Extra Details (For the Curious and the Easter Egg Hunters):
- This is the first K-On! render I've made. Another series to the pile.
- At first, I had something else planned for Yui where she was the only one present and squished, but I came up with this concept instead and liked it enough to override the other one. This plays off the fact that Yui is often oblivious and airheaded, while Mio likes desserts, and is often the butt of pranks and gags.
- This is actually the second time I've tried making a face/hair only disk flattening. The first time, I was making an alternate version of a Corrin sheet that a certain someone was trying to make for a render of her, as well as Camilla and Hinoka...
- I once tried to make an animation a long time ago involving a boulder and a sight gag with the camera, but since I was such a novice back then (This was before I even started uploading posts), I was foiled by not knowing how to make a character hold items.