2B is an executioner YoRHa model, specifically tasked with executing the 9S YoRHa unit if he gets too close to discovering YoRHa's true purpose. YoRHa, a group of androids specifically meant for combating the machine lifeforms taking over Earth, recently told 2B to also test out the new shrinking tech the group has developed. It just so happened that 2B's first opportunity to try out the new shrinking tech happened to coincide with 2B's next execution of the 9S model.
Before even realizing what's happened, 9S finds the surrounding environment nearly 100 times larger than it used to be. What the heck happened, he thought? He heard a loud boom behind him. He turns around, seeing two black boots, leading far upward to two legs, the legs of his partner 2B. Without a word. 2B leans downward, her gloved hand splaying outward, her fingers reaching for the shrunken 9S. 9S screams, asking 2B what she's doing, but she doesn't respond. Emotions are prohibited for YoRHa units after all, she's not allowed to display any sort of opinion of her own about her job to end her partner.
The giant android's lips part, and she throws 9S on her tongue, warm and wet with saliva. 9S struggles to pull himself out of her mouth, but only slips deeper down her throat. He can feel her breathing against his body, each wave of warm air engulfing him. He screams and pleads with 2B, but she acts as though she can't even hear him. She holds her mouth open, swallowing the screaming 9S whole without even closing her lips. He is sent down deep into her stomach, doomed to burn to death in her stomach acid. 2B reflects for a moment. 9S tasted quite good...
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